Don’t Sacrifice Your Children
/About 12 years ago, my wife and I decided to pull our kids from the government school system and commit to giving them a home education. When we did that, some of our friends and family members thought we were crazy: "What do you mean you're homeschooling?"
We explained to them that God's Word commands us to raise our children in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord." We explained that every successful student becomes like his teacher, just as Jesus said, "Every disciple who is fully trained will be just like his Master."
We told them them that because we didn't want a godless, anti-Christian, government-run school system to disciple our children, we were willing to sacrifice up to half our total income to protect the hearts and minds of our little ones. Some nodded of course with eyebrows lifted, eyes glazed over, and the little corners of their mouths pointed downward. But that was okay. We knew they didn't understand. We knew we would have to bear the shame of stepping out in faith and obedience to God's Word. We knew we would be characterized as religious fanatics and regarded as overzealous and extreme.
But you know what? Today more than ever we are proud of the decision we made. Our walk with the Lord has been greatly strengthened and our faith has been confirmed time and again throughout the past 12 years. Especially, as we look around at the current state and condition of our nation, we know that we did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. The degeneracy of public education is manifest.
In the picture below you can see just how far we've fallen. What "show and tell" used to be and what it is today is a clear testimony to the absolute corruption of our society.
And no, this is not one of those "I told you so" kind of rants. The facts are what the facts are and it's not about me or my family. This whole thing is about God. This is about the truth of His Word and the deceitfulness of the lies that unbelieving and hateful men both tell and believe. This is a wakeup call to those of you with any fear of God left in your souls still sitting on the fence wondering what you should do about this question of public education.
* To all the parents who still have your kids attending public school, you need to repent, come to Christ, and see to it that your kids get a good Christian education. And yes, if you need help and guidance and don't know where to start, then let me know. You can private message me and I will help you no matter who you are or where you live. This is that important!
* To all the Christian parents who still have your kids drinking from the filthy waters of public education, you also need to repent. Stop sending your children to Baal. Stop sending your children to Caesar. Go and get your kids and give them the education they deserve. Christian children have a right to a Christian education, and one day you'll have to give an account to Jesus Christ himself. You already know this and therefore have no excuse. To whom much is given, much is required.
* To all the pastors who turn a blind eye to the educational decisions of the members of your congregation, you need to repent more than anyone else. How is it that you can just stand there and watch as God's covenant children are being ravaged by the open haters of Jesus Christ? Honestly, your time is up. You have blood on your hands. This is a call for you to wake up, wash your hands, and put an end to your shameless infidelity.
And here, I'll end with this. If you're a pastor of a local church but you're not willing to use your God-given authority to put down this seditious rebellion within your own church and denomination, then you need to step down and go home. It's quite clear that you are not a true shepherd of God's people, called and ordained by Jesus Christ. You are just as the hireling in John 10, who when he sees the wolf coming, leaves the whole flock open and unprotected. If you think anyone else has something to answer for, then you have more. To whom much is given, much is required, and to whom much more is given, much more is required. You know this better than anyone else, and each man will receive according to his works.
To the fathers, pastors and Christian statesmen, it's time to man up and show your faithfulness to the Lord. It's time to deliver these little ones from the paw of the bear.